The Window… command allows you to specify the final size of the image being rendered in a choice of pixels, inches, centimeters, millimeters, points or picas. You can also set the resolution, both vertically and horizontally, for any PICT files to be output. Two mutually exclusive radio buttons are available allowing you to choose between a Full Screen image of a fixed size (depending upon the size of your display) and a Standard Window of any size (depending upon memory constraints). Full Screen windows are always placed on the “deepest” display device connected to the system at the time the program was started. If this device is also the Main Device (i.e. the display with the menu bar) then the image size will be the size of that display minus the size of the menu bar. If not, the image size will be the size of the full device. In any event, this size is displayed in the dialog box. Standard Windows are initially placed on the deepest device and centered in that display. Depending upon the size of the image selected, the window will be fully expanded and have inactive scroll bars, or will only display part of the image and show active scroll bars. This window may be dragged onto any display on the system, even straddling multiple displays. The window may also be sized using the grow box in the lower right-hand corner of the window. Note that when a ‘PICT’ file is saved, the full image is saved, not just the portion displayed in the Standard Window. To the right of the edit fields for Image Size, there is a pop-up menu to allow you to choose in what units you would like to specify your final image. Since Full Screen images are a fixed size, selecting this menu (or entering a new size value in the edit fields) will cause the radio buttons to switch to Standard Window if it is not already selected. For Standard Windows, you may select any units in which to specify the size of your final image. Below this area is the specification for output resolution. These values will directly affect either the size of the image or the number of total pixels in the image. By using the Image Size and resolution fields you can correctly specify the output format for a wide range of different applications from screen presentation to film recorder output. Below the resolution fields is an information area that will show (in appropriate units) what affect any changes you make will have. Whenever a change in window style or size is desired, a check box at the bottom of the dialog box becomes enabled. If you desire to have a scaled version of the current image copied to the new window that will be created, you can check this box. Note that doing this will temporarily require additional memory as both the original offscreen GWorld and the new offscreen GWorld must both be present at the same time. Also, because of the scaling and the potential dithering required to a clut type of display, this may take a considerable amount of time, especially if one or both of the image sizes are large. If there is insufficient memory to create the new window, the operation will be aborted and the original screen style and size will be reset. If there is insufficient memory to create the offscreen GWorld, the entire operation is aborted and the program exits. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not select the Preserve Image option unless you are sure of what you are doing. Note that while the size, window style, and resolution of an image are saved in the parameter file, if a Full Screen parameter file is used on a system with a different size display from the one on which it was created, it will still be treated as a Full Screen image with the image size being that of the new display. Because of this, a “conform zoom” operation (see Modify Parameters… above) is always performed upon the opening of a Full Screen parameter file and the total number of pixels may vary from display to display. (It is assumed that Full Screen images are intended for screen display purposes.)